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Free seedlings project

Updated: Apr 27

Our free seedling project is in response to our 2-4-1 Tree Planting Campaign - where every tree counts double! Our mission is simple: to inspire and empower individuals to take action for the environment by planting not just one, but two trees per person.

Why 2-for-1? Because we believe in the power of multiplication - by planting two trees for every person, we exponentially increase our impact and accelerate the growth of our forests. It is not just about numbers; each tree serves a vital purpose in our ecosystem.

The first tree acts as a superhero against climate change, absorbing the carbon dioxide we produce and helping to combat global warming. It's our way of giving back to the planet and reducing our carbon footprint, one tree at a time.

The second tree plays a crucial role in the water cycle, acting as a catalyst for rainfall. By releasing moisture into the atmosphere through a process called transpiration, this tree helps to create the conditions for rain to fall, nourishing our land and sustaining life.

Since the inception of our campaign, we're thrilled to announce that we've already distributed over 20,000 native trees to eager individuals across the community. Each of these trees has found a new home in backyards, parks, and green spaces, contributing to the beauty and resilience of our environment.

But our commitment doesn't stop there. In support of our love for trees and the 2-4-1 campaign, we've established our very own tree nursery. Here, we nurture seedlings ready for transplanting, offering them free of charge to members of the community. It's our way of ensuring that everyone has access to the tools they need to make a positive impact on the world around them.

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